We Can Fix Kicking

Kicking is broken in college football, and we can fix it...by mostly removing it.

Occam’s Kicker

Occam’s razor is often misstated as “the simplest explanation is the most likely,” which is an ironic over-simplification. A better summation of Occam’s razor is “the easiest way to the correct solution is by removing unnecessary variables.”

I think in times of crisis, Occam’s razor can be a great tool to eliminate unlikely events – the school could have burned down because there was a gasoline spill next door, which a bird landed in thinking it was a puddle, then flew into the chemistry room window, but it’s more likely an electrical or kitchen fire.

It can arguably be more effectively used as a tool for simplifying confusing situations – you could analyze every possession of every college football game to see who had the best game, but it would be much simpler and easier to look at the best players from the winning team, which will be correct 90% of the time.

This type of simplification is something Kyle Whittingham – and all head football coaches for that matter – desperately want from their special teams units. The best special teams units do the following things: